During Black History Month, we celebrate the role of African Americans in our union and the struggle for economic and racial justice that continues today.
People of color were part of the membership from the very beginning of the Teamsters Union, with Black members attending the founding convention in 1903.
Early in our union’s history, Teamsters advocated for “no color lines” within the labor movement and would not tolerate the practice of separate unions for Black members.
As early as 1917, Teamster contracts included provisions for equal pay regardless of race.
Unions and the civil rights movement have made progress against racism in America. But we have a long way to go. The typical Black worker still makes 25 percent less than white workers do.
United, We Win
The fight for economic justice and racial justice go hand in hand at Local 804 and in the Teamsters.
That’s why Local 804 members demand that UPS Deliver on the Dream by honoring MLK Day as a holiday.
That’s why Local 804 members rallied against racial harassment and unfair labor practices at Foster Avenue after supervisors made racist comments and tried to pit Teamsters against each other along racial lines.

That’s why Local 804 fights to end part-time poverty at UPS–from the Fight for 15 to our contract demands this year for higher wages and more full-time jobs for part-timers. We're even in Albany fighting to Raise the Wage for all New York workers.
“We will fight for social justice and racial justice at UPS, at Amazon, in the community. That’s what it means to be union, That’s what it means to be a Teamster,” said Local 804 President Vinnie Perrone.