
When volume drops after peak season, management ramps up discipline and dirty tricks. Here’s how part-timers can protect ourselves.

Watch Your Attendance

Peak season is over and management will stop looking the other way. Protect yourself from discipline by coming to work.

Work Now, Grieve Later

Stand up for yourself, but be smart about it. Failure to follow instructions and gross insubordination can lead to termination. Never tell a supervisor, “I won’t do that.” Work as directed and then ask for your shop steward.

Get Your 3½ Hour Guarantee

Our union contract guarantees you 3½ hours of paid work every day as long as you report to work on time.

Management cannot send you home because they are “fully staffed.” If this happens, file a grievance and get paid.

Don’t Let Management Send You Home Early

Going home early gives UPS an incentive to cut the workforce and push everyone to work faster.

Do your job at a reasonable, sustainable pace. Follow the methods like hands to surface. And get paid your 3½ hour guarantee no matter what.

Use Daily Recaps to Get Everyone Paid

The contract requires UPS to pay a minimum of three hours pay to members even if they leave early. This right is laid out in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on page 201.

Local 804 won a major arbitration victory on this issue.

Shop stewards can go use the daily recaps to file grievances for all members who are being paid less than 3.5 hours.

File grievances based on the Daily Guarantee language and the MOU “for all affected members.” Put money in members’ pockets and make UPS pay for violating our contract.

Make UPS Pay for Supervisors Working Violations

Supervisors are not “helping” you when they do bargaining unit work. They’re eliminating jobs and taking money out of the pockets of members that want extra hours.

Take action and put that money in your pocket instead.

The contract supercharges our supervisors working grievances by creating a quadruple time penalty for violations by supervisors that are repeat offenders.

Article 3 of the Supplement outlines the steps management must take before working, including using a call-in list.

When you see a supervisor working, ask if they used the call-in list. They will probably lie and say they did.

Talk to your steward and the top members on the call-in list if you can. Confirm that management never called. Then file a grievance.

The first two violations will be paid at double time. But the third violation by the same supervisor is eligible for the quadruple time penalty under the new contract.

Local 804 has made an E-Z Grievance Form so that the correct articles are listed.

Get a copy of this form from your Business Agent or download it from the 804 website. It will save you time and mistakes. But you still have to add in key details.

Make sure to fill out the top right of the grievance to include the name of the supervisor spoken to and the date. The new contract requires all management personnel to wear ID badges, not just name tags, and to provide their name upon request.

Include the details about where the supervisor worked, what work they did, how long they worked, and witnesses if any. Then talk with your steward.