
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Local 804 will be holding the Nominations for Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the June 2021 IBT Convention via Zoom video conference on Sunday, February 28 at 10 am. 

Any active member who wishes to attend the Nominations Meeting must register in advance. The Local will verify the member’s eligibility to attend. Once eligibility has been confirmed, the member will receive an email with a zoom invitation to join the meeting. Zoom invitations for any member will be limited to one electronic device only.

Members wishing to nominate, second, or accept nominations are strongly urged to submit nominations, seconds or nomination acceptances in writing. You must be an active member with Teamsters Local Union 804 to participate in the Zoom meeting.  

Note: Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the IBT Convention will be held online, not in-person in Las Vegas.

Click here to register to attend the Nominations Meeting.

Click here to read the entire Notice of Nominations for Delegates & Alternate Delegates to the June 2021 IBT Convention
