
Fighting Back Against UPS’s MRA Ripoff

UPS broke the law when they ended the MRA and slashed part-timers wages without warning. Now, we’re fighting back.

Amazon Workers Strike for Higher Wages

Amazon workers in New York and Maryland shut down their jobs and walked out of work on March 16 in a coordinated action to demand higher wages.

New Leadership and a Fighting Teamsters Union

Sean O’Brien, Fred Zuckerman and the Teamsters United leadership were sworn into office and held their first General Executive Board meeting on March 22. Local 804’s very own Vinnie Perrone is now an International Union Trustee.


UPS Layoffs: Your Rights & Responsibilites

UPS is imposing layoffs. Get a run-down on your union rights and what you can do to protect yourself and your brothers and sisters.

It's Time to Deliver on the Dream

On January 17, Local 804 members participated in a national day of action to tell UPS to Deliver on the Dream by respecting Martin Luther King Day as a paid holiday, ending two-tier pay for 22.4s, and providing living wages and full-time jobs for part-timers. 


804 News -- Winter 2022 Issue

Check out the 2022 winter issue of 804 NewsWe had an exciting end of the year from winning the international election by a landslide, to winning more full-time inside jobs and the United Way class action lawsuit victory. There's plenty to celebrate and more on the horizon. Happy New Year, Local 804!

Members Re-Elect Experience Matters Slate

Members have re-elected Vinnie Perrone and the Experience Matters Slate with 86 percent of the vote. See the official results here. Three years ago, we set out to rebuild our union by uniting the membership and taking the fight to the employers. We are proud of what we have accomplished as a union and have big plans for the coming year. One Year! One Goal! 

Teamsters United Takes the Wheel

Your vote is your voice and Teamster members made their voices heard loud and clear. By a 2-1 margin, members elected the O’Brien-Zuckerman Teamsters United Slate to lead our International Union.

Members Win 101 New Full-Time Jobs

More than 100 part-timers have won full-time jobs by enforcing our contract.

Contract Enforcement Pays

Members are fighting on all fronts to enforce our contract and fight for our rights.